



1. 后背痛:have a sore back

2. 胃痛、肚子痛:have a stomachache

3. 喝足够的水:drink enough water

4. 喉咙非常痛:have a very sore throat

5. 躺下来休息:lie down and rest

6. 在水下冲:run it under water

7. 下车:get off 上公交车:get on the bus

8. 赶公交车:catch the bus

9. 带蜂蜜的热茶:hot tea with honey

10. 看牙医:see a dentist

11. 拍X光:get an X-ray

12. 敷一些药:put some medicine on it

13. 划伤自己:cut myself

14. 发高烧: have a fever

15. 远离…休息take breaks away from…

16. 没有移动: without moving

17. 以同样的方式:in the same way

18. 有心脏病:have a heart problem

19. 在公路的一侧:on the side of the road

20. 大声求救:shout for help


1. 用完:run out of

2. 从…出来get out of

3. 对……感兴趣:be interested in

4. 处于非常危险的境地:in a very dangerous situation

5. 冒险:take risks

6. 做决定:make decisions

7. 决定做:decide to do sth

8. 掌管:be in control of

9. 放弃:give up

10. 考虑:think about

11. 立刻、马上:right away at once

12. 步行:on foot

13. ….的重要性:the importance of ….

14. 一直持续做…..keep on doing sth

15. 切断:cut off 切碎:cut up

16. 砍倒::cut down

17. 习惯于:be used to doing

18. 过去、曾经:uesd to….

19. 愿意马上做…… be ready to do sthbe

20. 为…..做准备ready for


1. 几天:a few days several days

2. 穿上:put on

3. 脱下:take off

4. 摔倒:fall down

5. 落后:fall behind

6. 洗你的脸:clean your face

7. 撞击头部:get hit on the head

8. 晒伤:get sunburned

9. 把你的头后仰:put your head back

10. 多亏了,由于:thanks to

11. 等公共汽车:wait for the bus

12. 另……吃惊的是:to my/your/her/his/our/their/surprise/

13. 期待做…….:expect sb to do sth

14. 及时:in time 准时:on time

15. 看见某人正在做……..:see sb doing sth

16. 看到某人做某事的过程:see sb do sth

17. 呼吸困难:have problems /trouble breathing

18. 一次严重的事故:have a serious accidents

19. 整个周末:all weekend

20. 同意做某事:agree to do

