Only drink clean water英语教案


好的英语教案能帮助学生更好地学习课本上的英语知识,下面小编为大家带来Only drink clean water英语教案,供你参考。

Only drink clean water教案


1、重点单词、短语:picnic, hungry, thirsty,worry

2、重点句型:It’s fun to drink this way.

Only drink this water.

This water is very clean.

Be quiet! Don’t make so much noise!


新句型 It’s + adj. to do sth.


一、 Warming up

复习:peace, world, UN, important

--Do you want to ...?

--Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

--The UN wants to make peace in the world.

--What do you like doing?

--I like ...(doing something)。

--Does Xiaoqiang like ...(doing sth)?

二、Learn the new sentences

--It’s fun to drink this way.

--Only drink this water.

--This water is very clean.

--Be quiet! Don’t make so much noise!


Daming: This is a beautiful park, Aunt.

Simon's mum: Yes. We come here often.

Simon: Mum. Can we have our picnic now? I'm hungry.

Daming: And I'm thirsty.

Simon's Mum: Yes, of course. Here are your sandwiches.

Simon and Daming: Thank you.

Simon's mum: Oh no! I didn't bring any drinks. I forgot!

Simon and Daming:Oh no!

Simon: Don't worry, Mum.We can drink water here.

Simon's mom: Only drink clean water!

Simon: This water is very clean!

Daming: And good.

Simon: It's fun to drink this way!

Simon and Daming: Ha, ha, ha.he

Daming: Yes, please.



在be动词(am/is/are)和情态动词(can, may, must...)提前,其它照写。some变成any.

例如:陈述句: They are in the park. He can play the guitar..

一般疑问句: Are they not in the park? Can he not play the guitar?

借助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其余人称用do,助动词提前,动词变为原形。特别记住:前面用does, 后面的动词一定还原成原形。Some变成any,I变成you.

例如:陈述句: I like the ducks. He likes the dogs.

否定句: Do you the ducks. Dose he like the dogs?

Only drink clean water教学设计


1. 知识目标:认识并使用thirsty, bring, way, 以及祈使句和It’s fun to…句型。






(1) 激发学习的积极性,培养对英语学习的兴趣。

(2) 培养学生的竞争意识,和积极上进的学习生活态度。

(3) 培养学生寻找、感受生活中的乐趣,养成健康的生活习惯。




(3)CD -ROM




1、 Greeting

2、 Free talk

What do you often do?

Do you often…?

Is it fun?

What food do you love to eat?

What do you like to drink when you are thirsty?

(激发学习兴趣, 复习食物、饮品词汇。)

3、 Teach the words thirsty and drinks.

4、 Leading-in: I’m thirsty now. Can I drink this water? Why?

(谈论与本课相关主题,从而引出This water is very clean. Only drink clean water!导入新课。)


1. Watch the CD ROM thinking What do they want to do? Then answer. (整体感知课文内容。)

2. Listen, repeat and think: What happened? What is fun?

3. Practice reading and try to find answers.

4. Answer questions and learn new words and expressions.

(通过展示不同动物有趣的喝水方式帮助学生理解。通过喝水、踢毽子活动引导学生运用It’s fun to…this way. 句型)

5. Make a dialogue in groups, then try to act it out.


1. Look and say. (通过课件,练习用It’s fun to…。)

2. Have a match. To say sentences as many as they can within 30 seconds in groups.(培养学生的小组合作能力,通过游戏竞赛激发学生的学习积极性和潜能。)

3. Put words in correct order to make a sentence.



1、 总结本课学习的内容。

2、 作业

(1) 听读课文

(2) 用It’s fun to 造句。

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