



In February 2007, Barack Obama officially announced his candidacy for president. In his election campaign, he focused on the theme of "change", emphasizing ending the war in Iraq, achieving self-sufficiency in energy, stopping tax cuts and universalizing medical insurance, and promised to achieve party unity and rebuild alliance relationships internationally and restore America's leading position. On August 27, 2008, he was nominated for the presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention. November 4, 2009, he won the US presidential election, was elected the 56th president, and became the first African-American president in American history, January 20, 2009, Barack Obama was officially sworn in.

Obama in the US economic turmoil, the financial crisis took office, it can be said that Obama took office to the American people has brought great expectations. Indeed, Obama took office in a lot of aspects, such as the financial crisis rescue plan, export strategy, health care reform, the employment of the New Deal and foreign policy and so on. After two and a half years of office, the support of the political star has fallen to 51% or so, the domestic problems facing the growing number of commitments failed to honor, "Super Hero" aura gradually fade, which is the economic recoveryThe weight. Although the economy has clearly recovered, the unemployment rate in the United States has been rising and the unemployment rate in the United States has reached 10%. This has aroused strong dissatisfaction from the society and will still have a long way to go before the economy can recover fully. In health care reform, President Barack Obama has also met with many obstacles. Senator Democrat leaders defied the president's will and insisted on setting up public health insurance options, regardless of Republican support. In fact, many of Obama's actions have proved to be a pretty promise that can not be honored. In the war, Obama also not convincing. Obama campaign declared that the war in Afghanistan is a "necessary war", but in the past time, he has been delayed NATO's military activities in Afghanistan, hesitant. On the diplomatic front, Obama has extended an olive branch to the world's Muslims, and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is still stagnant. Obama's diplomatic relations with Iran and Russia have not made new progress either. The preacher of the Messiah was not what they expected. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize is to become the media mockery of the material. At the same time, Obama is a noble and conscientious compromise, but in Washington this insidious environment and did not bring any help. It can be said that the reform of the Obama administration has been difficult.


Michael Frank, the deputy director of government research for the Heritage Foundation at the Heritage Foundation, criticized the Obama administration as "not pushing for tax reform and regulatory reform" to improve employment, The Government's efforts are far from enough. Ethan Harris, the Obama administration's failure to launch a fiscal stimulus plan because of its Republican majority in the House of Representatives, was slow to move.

In the employment and economic stimulus, the Obama administration relies on the US Federal Reserve Board (FRB) the color of financial policy is becoming increasingly strong. In the absence of such a backdrop, public opinion polls show that voters' support for Republican candidate Romney is on the table for employment and economic policy issues, and that this trend is becoming more pronounced.

"Growth has stopped due to financial and commercial controls," as John Lonski said, and the market is critical of the US Financial Regulatory Reform Act.

In foreign trade policy, from 2009 to 2014, the Obama administration and strive to export "double" the plan has been setbacks. Although the main reason is the global economic slowdown, but Bauwos pointed out that the reason also includes the United States "failed to develop export promotion policy", in this issue, the criticism will also point to the White House.

On the other hand, it is very important for the US-China economic relationship, which worries about the market, to "keep tensions from heating up and keep the status quo" (Ethan Harris).

Medical insurance reform will increase the burden on enterprises

The Obama administration has criticized the health-care reform law as the first priority of its first term, saying "it's better to wait until the recovery is firmer" (Ethan Harris).

The core provisions of the bill is to reduce the number of uninsured, most national obligations to buy commercial insurance. While Mr Obama has proposed initiatives such as raising the tax burden on medical device makers and the efficiency of public insurance for the aged, it will inevitably increase government spending.

In the United States, traditionally has a strong dislike of the government involved in private life, personal responsibility, in the universal health care issues, public opinion appeared disagreement. In a lawsuit to determine whether a mandatory public participation in a constitution is unconstitutional, Barry Bosworth, a scholar who is thought to be closer to the Democrats, expressed disappointment that " Support for reform ".

In the diplomatic and anti-terrorism and other issues, the evaluation of differences

Obama on the diplomatic evaluation of the differences. "The President is generally more likely to get a high rating, but Mr Obama is a huge success," he said, referring to the US war on terror and expressed his concern at the same time. And Ethan Harris said, "If you stand in the United States from the perspective of the responsibility of the world economy, the United States has not played a significant role in Obama's performance is not good or bad," Obama's response to the debt crisis in Europe and other issues Approach put forward their own point of view.

John Lonski low evaluation of Obama, the reason is not satisfied with Obama's response to the debt crisis in Europe initiatives. John Lonski criticized that "the United States should be resolutely involved in crisis resolution." At the same time also dissatisfied that the United States "should be in urging China to expand domestic demand, improve the working environment and other issues on the further exert pressure."


As a world leader, the United States naturally depends on the United States, and the United States, of course, depends on its president.President Obama as the world's recognized leader, its status is high, the role of large, he does have to climb and move, rallying cry, the world should be gathered by the appeal. However, Obama also claimed to be the first US "Pacific president", which shows that the current government to dominate the Asia-Pacific through a variety of multilateral mechanisms and frameworks to seek US interests in Asia to maximize.

Therefore, the Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to the United States in January 2011 will surely become the focus of attention of governments around the world, and will certainly attract the eyes of the people of the world. This upcoming "Hu Jintao - Obama" unprecedented event, not only related to the world's first and the world's second largest economic power of the game results, but also involves the future of China and the United States the redistribution of interests, and the impact of the future The development trend of global international relations and the evolution of the situation.

Second, the "Hu - Austrian" talks: strategic issues far - reaching

Chinese leaders' visits to the United States have all been major events in China's diplomatic history. Hu Jintao made a very important visit to the United States at the very beginning of the 40th anniversary of the reopening of China-US exchanges, and at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, a crucial milestone in this trip. This will be the first time that the two heads of state have represented the world's two largest economies, the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, and the two most productive ones, with broader space for international affairs. There is also a more practical concern for cooperation. This is the historical value of the Hu-Austrian talks.

The state visit is in the global economy gradually out of the shadow of the financial crisis, the global economic crisis has power patterns have changed significantly. The US is still the "locomotive" of the world economy, and the recent rapid recovery has outperformed most economists' expectations, but it is still struggling with unusually high unemployment and heavy debt, and China has become the world's second largest economy It is not difficult to predict its economy will continue to maintain strong growth.

The two heads of state met with Hu and Austrian counterparts to discuss extensively, in-depth and meticulous consultations on the DPRK's "nuclear issue", especially on common issues such as the Asia-Pacific region and global challenges.

1. Nuclear security and nuclear non-proliferation are the most important issues, namely, the "North Korean nuclear issue" and the "Cheonan incident" and the "Diaoyu Islands incident" caused by North Korea. China and the United States on how to properly handle and solve the "North Korean nuclear issue", in the choice of force to solve the "North Korean nuclear issue", or take a negotiated approach to effectively solve the "North Korean nuclear issue", coordinate the position and common response.

2, on the Iranian nuclear issue, the United States and China in how to deal with, and the complete settlement of the "North Korean nuclear issue", the establishment of an effective processing mechanism and model. In this context, the Iranian nuclear issue can be more effective, relatively easy to be properly resolved.

3, South Asia and other regional hot issues, such as "the South China Sea dispute", "Mekong resource utilization" and other issues, the United States will represent Southeast Asian countries, with China to explore solutions and a clear-cut stance.

4. On the international situation, China and the United States will strengthen the implementation, communication, coordination, cooperation and common challenges in dealing with global issues such as the G8, the G20, the United Nations reform and combating transnational crimes.

5. China and the United States will strengthen communication, coordination and cooperation on global issues such as climate change, energy and environmental protection, combating transnational crime, disaster prevention and mitigation, transnational infectious disease prevention and control, and jointly safeguard regional peace, stability and development. .

6, the Chinese military opaque, the amount of military spending, distribution, use of opaque and other issues, the US side will ask how to improve and solve?

7, the United States also concerned about how China's effective implementation of nuclear safety and nuclear non-proliferation policy, how to draw a line with the US enemy, it is also an important issue.

8, China's RMB exchange rate to achieve market-oriented, how to integrate with the world, how to schedule specific?

9, trade imbalance between China and the United States, the deficit problem, how to assess China's market economy status. Despite the Sino-US talks, the two sides signed the trade volume of its size will be more than 100 billion yuan, but this is a need for long-term attention and solve the problem.

China and the United States will be open and open to extensive dialogue and consultations on issues such as freedom of expression, freedom of the Internet, freedom of religion, and human rights.

11, the United States how to implement the treatment of enterprises in China, US companies how to protect intellectual property? How to enact relevant laws and implement the procedures for the protection of intellectual property rights. China and the United States also continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on human, scientific and technological issues.

12, the Chinese side is very concerned about the US arms sales to Taiwan, as well as Obama's meeting with the Dalai Lama, and other political issues, the United States on China's high-tech products such as export control, for which the two sides will frankly exchange views, because they matter China 's core interests.

Third, comment on Mr. Obama, the strategic meaning of major

As the saying goes: people who can see the sun and the moon can not be said to be good eyesight; can hear the Shan Hu tsunami, can not be said that their strong hearing.

We know that: the world has a very person, do very things, built a very successful, into a very name.

Of course, the evaluation of heavyweight Obama on this issue, because he served as the US presidency only two years, we now have to give it an objective, fair and accurate evaluation and prediction, it seems that some are too early, too difficult.

Although, comment on the topic of US President Barack Obama is not the weight of light, is also a very complex issue, very difficult to grasp. This requires a comprehensive understanding of the international situation and its causes, and a more comprehensive understanding of the world's political, economic, military, diplomatic, scientific and cultural, and so on.At the same time, coupled with the difficulty factors, few people dare to explore this problem, therefore, so far can draw on the information very few.

However, Mr. Obama is the last thing to comment on. Because of the economic, diplomatic, military, and other interests of the countries of the world, China, the United States and the Asia-Pacific region, the interests and future prospects of the rest of the world are all based on the results of the Sino-US "Hu-Ao" talks in January 2010 . Therefore, the world situation and therefore in a very critical and sensitive period, the future trend of Sino-US relations, will greatly affect the world's future development prospects.This also shows that on the world stage, the weight of these two powers influence, boundless.

Therefore, in this evaluation of the United States President Barack Obama, although reluctantly, but also very necessary, of course, the results of the table [character. Evaluation] worth mentioning, not a bad idea. Fourth, the United States President Barack Obama, the personality capacity seems to have three Mishap

Here, in order to systematically explain this topic, we need to be the next article {study conclusions}, first cited in this article. Through research, found that Obama's character capacity seems to have three Mishap:

1, Obama's lack of character on the "domineering", unlike the modern history of the leaders of strongman, such as Roosevelt, Stalin, Hitler, Churchill, Mao Zedong, Reagan, Clinton and other political superstar "domineering" full, prestige octahedral, which will test Obama As President of the United States, whether the implementation of the world's "ear", in the 21st century leaders of the world to establish a new order, the achievements of its great achievements?

2, Obama out of civilians, the family background of the lack of political color, his political time is shorter, because of his personal charm, excellent talent, so career Shunfengshunshui, quickly jumped red American politics, but he did not experience the storms, Its ruling experience less.

3, Obama has no military career, do not understand how the military forces, as the commander in chief on how to use the country's various strategic resources, coordination of political


Economic, military, foreign affairs, science and technology, culture and other strategic aspects of the overall situation, the face of very complex international affairs nowadays, the government's strategic positioning, decision-making, implementation efforts, how to control the outcome, and strive for their country's core interests , Will become a major suspense.

In short, because of early growth by the impact of women is relatively large, so Obama is "bookish" too heavy, love the heart, the lack of "just Yang" of the gas. Therefore, in dealing with major international issues, especially in the choice of war and plans, it will behave dignified, hesitant. China has a vulgar

Fifth, the US President Barack Obama, the current overall governance capacity of the government

During his two-year tenure, President Obama is fully qualified for the job, although he is calm but absolutely not clinging to the stereotypes. Specifically, Obama's administration is strong, disciplined, and innovative, with a clear strategic style of " , Some do not. "

Overall, Obama led by the government equally effective, showing a well-trained but innovation, and they avoid the line, also reflects the far-reaching strategic value orientation.

Here, we specifically analyze the cabinet of the Obama administration to see if it can improve the capacity of the President to make up for the three mishap it?

Vice President Joe Biden (2009-present): As a result of long-term in the political arena fought, trained a politician's good skills, outstanding performance in the country's foreign affairs, experienced veterans, a word politician Laojiang Hu.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (2009 - present): talented, calm, smart, can not bear people can not tolerate, the people of this reputation, its comprehensive capacity is high.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates (2009 - present): in the Democratic and Republican parties have rich contacts, resume is also extremely rich and varied, so its coordination ability is super. As a military leader, his courageous level is hard to surmise, as his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld, is a British instinctive and brave man.

Again, the National Security Adviser, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other military leaders, mostly from the naval sector, it seems the lack of a familiar air and space integration, in the global, all-weather command of the military leadership strongman.

Finally, the United States President Barack Obama this government, the overall lack of: on how to command the global military strategy, whether or not to win the war, quick warfare grams, fully embodies the "Bing Bu Dun, and Lee can be the whole" Of the military realm, it is questionable? Sixth, the United States President Barack Obama, the current government suspected four mishap?

Lack of "domineering", lack of political experience, military talent is not "to force" is Obama's three Mishap.

Safflower always need green leaves help, a hero three help. As we all know, the general consensus in the industry is that the political system of the United States is relatively complete, and it can support a president who has no ruling experience and wisdom, and can tolerate a "self-willed" president, and even a " Smoked days "of the President.

But I see this, from the objective analysis, not necessarily reflect the essence of American society.

On the whole, the US President Barack Obama this government, not only did not completely make up for the president himself flawed, on the whole, but suspected to show four Mishap:

1, on how to command the global military strategy, whether or not to win the war, quick war Lectra, fully embodies the "soldiers do not Dayton, and Lee can be the whole" military realm, it is questionable?

2, the soft underbelly of the current government, is subject to the two parties within the United States wrestling, the party with the cutting-edge dispute as a double-edged sword, the Republic of the constraints of the power, this is a flawed democracy.

3, obsessed with money, this is driven by human greed, difficult to resist, eradication. In the capitalist society, the "capitalist (head of government)" is extremely greedy, reviewing the history of foreign countries, you will find those who do not see anything, but also no shortage of people, not based on long-term strategic choice.

4, the advantages of faith, moral power, due to the immediate economic benefits, this is a four-year general democratic system of Mishap.



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