


Wake-up clubs are rousting popularity at Chinese universities. Club members are encouraged to wake each other up early, which has been well-received by students who have a hard time getting out of bed.

Peking University's wake-up club, founded in March 2013, claims to be the first in the country. The club's founder, Hu Xiaonan, said she used to be napping until noontime, while her fellow students were attending class, studying in the library or already up doing "things that matter." In hopes of shaking off the seduction of slumber, she created the club and set up a wake-up club account on the social network platform, Renren.com.




文中的###wake-up clubs就是“床协”的意思,需要注意的是,“床协”中的“床”指的是“醒来、起床”,因此翻译作wake up;“协”在这里也并非“协会”,其性质更接近于大学里的“俱乐部”,故译作club。wake是动词,意思是“把某人弄醒、醒来”,不要和awake混淆。awake通常用作形容词,意思是“醒着的”,如be wide awake 毫无睡意。wake的一个常见习惯用语是wake up and smell the coffee,意思是“清醒地面对现实”。

另外,文中的slumber是“睡眠”的意思,用于正式场合或文学语境中,既可作动词,如slumber peacefully 安睡,又可作名词,如fall into a slumber 入睡。

