



One day, the teacher inquired of Peter: "How much is four minus four?" Peter was tongue-tied.

The teacher got angry and said: "What a fool! You see, if I put four coins in your pocket, but there is a hole in your pocket and all of them leak out, now what is left in your pocket?"

"The hole," replied Peter。




六一儿童节英语笑话:Intelligent son 聪明的儿子

One day, the father lets eight year-old son send a letter, the son took the letter , the father then remembered didn't write the address and addressee's name on theenvelope.

After the son comes back, the father asks him: "You have thrown the letter in the mailbox?"


"You have not seen on the envelope not to write the address and the addressee name?"

"I certainly saw nothing written on the envelope."

"Then why you didn't take it back?"

"I also thought that you do not write the address and the addressee, is for does not want to let me know that you do send the letter to who!"


儿子回来后,父亲问他:“你把信丢进邮筒了吗?” “当然”“你没看见信封上没有写地址和收信人名字吗?”



六一儿童节英语笑话:I hope your bread gets better


I was making rolls and, needing a warm place for the dough to rise, put the bowl in a heating pad. Then I left the house on an errand(使命,差事) . When I came back, I found this note from my son: "Dear Mom, I hope your bread gets better."


六一儿童节英语笑话:A physics Examination


Once in a physics examination, Nick finished the first question very soon, while his classmates were thinking it hard.

The question was: When it thunders why do we see the lighting first, then hear the thunderrolls?

Nick's answer: Because our eyes are before ears.




六一儿童节英语笑话:Fish net 鱼网

"Can you tell me what fish net is made, Ann?"

"A lot of little holes tied together with strings." replied the little girl.



