



Many foreign students to the unfamiliar environment, the absence of adequate psychological preparation, the acculturation spent a lot of time, which not only affect learning, but also caused unnecessary waste. So in your study "everything is ready", the perhaps still need to spend a little time to do the mental preparation. Recommend every student before going abroad should go overseas full data query target countries, to understand where the customs and cultural environment, to accept a certain degree of cross-cultural training. Two of the most cross-cultural misunderstanding to be avoided .First, xenophobia, and second capitulation. Both are cultural prejudices extreme performance. Cross-cultural communication, we should put aside their own standards to understand others. But it does not mean to give up their own cultural values and total Westernization. In fact, the difference is not a bad thing. Experience tells us that the differences tend to attract attention and curiosity. If we can put the difference into power a means of communication, use curiosity to enhance communication, then we can find a lot of friends. Only the differences between different cultures not good or bad. Correct cross-cultural attitude should be humble, studious, reasonable manner, courtesy, do not use their own criteria to evaluate the behavior of others. You must learn to protect themselves, to protect their national pride. Deny their own national self-respect of others will never return





Chinese and western education differences,in a first embodiment of family education,Chinese parents in the treatment of children's education is in a directive,command type on children education,planning for all children,make their area of control,and it is the child in a greenhouse model,do not pay attention to children 'independent ability training.However,the western family education are quite different,parents and children is the first in a equal status,give the child enough four-dimensional space,and pay attention to the child's awareness and ability to stand on one's own.

Secondly,Chinese and Western different embodiment in school education,Chinese education is hard education according to the school,parents and social needs,for the children of compulsory education,do not consider the feelings of children.But China is education is decided by the score of all,so long as the examination questions on the line,do not take into account the open students' thinking,execute " chalk and talk".Western education is take the student as the center,to develop the students' thinking as the main,more exercise students hands-on minds ability.Teach students in accordance with their aptitude,heuristic education.

Two kinds of education,the final result is what?I think this is very clear,from the western country science and technology level can be seen,from the western advanced ideas can be seen.Of course,nor is this veto Oriental Education,I just think that in the future may be more put in some western advanced teaching idea and Chinese education together,to create a new teaching mode of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Here,only put my hope in the future.


y eyes of western culture

My eyes of the western culture is colorful

The Eiffel Tower in Paris

American Washington

There are many religions

For example, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etc

American holiday that is rich and colorful

Such as well known valentine's day, Christmas, and many of the festival.

Foreign like design, can always able to design a strange thing to attract people's eyeballs

What we lack of is what they are

So we all learn from western culture

This is my eyes of western culture













