

故事使小朋友们增长了知识发展了智力,并从中受到感染和教育,懂得什么是 真善美,什么的假丑恶,而培养爱憎分明的情感,并把学到的好思想见褚于行动。小编精心收集了关于儿童英语故事,供大家欣赏学习!


An ass once found a lion's skin. He put it on, and walked towards the village.

All fled when he came near,both men and animals.

The ass felt quite proud. He lifted his voice and brayed, but then everyone knew him.

His owner came up and gave him a sound whipping.

Shortly afterwards,a fox came up to him and said, "Ah, I knew it was you by your voice."





寓意: 外表虽然可以暂时掩盖一个人的缺点,但它很容易被揭穿。


This is an episode from the novel Strange Tales from Make-Do Strdio. An Daye turned out tobe out-standingly clever while he was very young. He was also very handsome. His parentsloved him very much and regarded him as a precious pearl on their palms. They hoped thattheir son would be successful in his career and thereby glorify his ancestors. Neighbors in thevillage vied each other to marry their daughters to An Daye. One night, Daye's mother had adream which told her that a princess would marry her son. So, Daye's mother gratefullydeclined all marriage offers. Yet several years had passed and there was still not the marriagesuggested by the dream. Daye's mother began to regret declining all the marriage offers byher neighbors.

One day shile Daye was reading, a graceful young lady walked into his room accompaniedby several maids. The young lady introduced herself as Princess Yunluo from the officialresidence of Shenghou. Daye was pleasantly surprised. Daye and the princess sat down toplay a board game. The princess was so good that she defeated Daye several games in a row.After the game, the princess stood up and prepared to leave. Daye was reluctant to part withthe princess. Princess Yunluo gave Daye 50 kilograms of gold and told him to build a new housewith the money. She promised to come again after the house was built.

The princess came as she had promised. At night, Daye proposed to marry the princess.Princess Yunluo said:"I'll be with you for six years if we get married, but I'll be with you for30years if we remain as fellow players of the board game and fellow lovers of the dup."Dayesaid:"We might as well get married in the first place.Let the future take care of all othermatters." The princess ded not say anything. Daye and the princess got married that night.

Time elapsed quickly. Princess Yunluo gave birth to two baby boys for Daye. As she hadwarned, the princess left without saying good-bye at the end of the six years. Daye missedthe princess to much that he swore not to marry again.



Kit Carson (1809-1868) was one of the great heroes of American frontier — a good guide,hunter, soldier, and friend of the Indians. There are many stories about him, and his fight withthe bears is one of them.

One day, when Kit was hunting a moose, his shot woke up two grizzly bears who had beennapping near by. The bears jumped to their feet and ran out of the woods. Kit didn’t have timeto aim again. All he could do was to turn on his heels and run for his life. But he was unlucky,for as he ran he slipped and his gun went flying out of his hands. Kit climbed up a treeimmediately, and the bears followed him. Kit broke a dead branch of the tree, and when thebears camp up close enough, he gave them sharp strokes on the nose. Soon the bears couldstand it no longer. Their noses burning with pain, they lowered themselves to the ground. Butthey didn’t leave. Poor Kit had to spend the whole night up in the tree. When dawn came, Kitcould see the bears still sleeping below. Then he had an idea. He broke the dead branch intopieces. Taking careful aim, he threw down one of the pieces. It hit one of the bears right on thenose. The bear opened his eyes and roared. Then he closed his eyes again. Kit threw down abigger piece of wood. This time the bear jumped up and, howling with pain, turned and attackedthe other bear. In no time, the two bears were fighting madly. They had forgotten all about Kit.Kit hurried down from the tree, and ran away to a safe place.



